Djartklom - Testimonials

“The DJARTKLOM box is incredibly beautiful. The wood, the leather, the entire layered construction with many things to discover...

Thank you so much for this. So much more of it still awaits investigation, but I'm quite blown away by the labor and care that it embodies.”

“It reminded me of being a child on Christmas morning when it arrived and i opened it. DJARTKLOM is not something I can 'add to the collection'. It is not an 'end product'. It won't sit comfortably on any of my shelves. It's all the better for it.

Mine smells of rosemary and bees wax. It's very tactile. I can even wear some of the contents found within. The text included, bound in a leather cover, has all been written by hand. I like that. Some I can read, some I can not. Yet.

It is received, on my part, as a 'commission with future intent'. It has my name on it. No-one else has one the same. It's made with me in mind. That feels special. It's important. It forms part of something more; six more. And then some. It is, to my mind, very, very special. It often makes me wonder. In fact, it makes me wonder an awful lot.”

“I am, utterly and completely, awe-struck. Simply speechless. The package is stunning. I honestly do not know where to begin.

I now need to find the proper TIME to devote to this all.”

“a stunning work of aesthetic artistry...a feast for the senses”

“...the package arrived yesterday morning...I only returned this evening. But it arrived safely. Thank you for sending it so securely.

I've opened it carefully - quite a beautiful experience. Your love and labor shows within the intimate confines of every corner. You should be very proud of this achievement. Please know your love has a good home here.

Thank you for sharing this with me and staying true to yourself.”

“I was unsure what to expect with this series. It was something of a gamble, in my opinion. When I went to pick up this at FedEx, I could only smile when I saw the triangular shape of the package. The greatest care was given to the shipping and creation of this work. I was fairly blown away upon seeing the unique construction of the box and its contents. The visual components of the work are interesting and lead to new discoveries upon each examination. The sonic work is above reproach. I am extremely satisfied and looking forward to further installments.”

“I spent most of the day with Light & Joy at a very slow pace...the entire construction sets a new standard for limited edition/unique pieces- it's unlike anything I've seen.”

“The box itself is stunningly beautiful, that wood is definitely something special. the content looks like something I will have to spend some time and effort to get into, I notice there are things here for all the senses”

“I have finally received the package from the good Patriots over at the customs office.

I must say (I've only seen it for a few minutes), that I am fairly blown away by the affair. I really had no idea what to expect. I am pleased. I am happy to have waited. I have not much to say at the moment other than you clearly put a considerable effort into this work and I appreciate it immensely. It makes me proud to have this work. I will have more to say once I have been able to process/listen/etc.”